Childcare Quality System
Childcare quality system
The goal of the Childcare Quality System is to increase the quality of childcare and support family engagement by building a skilled and stable workforce. The Childcare Quality System is open to all licensed childcare sites and individual providers in Mono and Alpine Counties serving children ages birth to five.
Through the Childcare Quality System Site Level with a one-on-one advisor, a center or family-based childcare provider completes the following annually:
1. 21 hours professional development
2. Creates and implements a Quality Improvement Plan
3. Developmental screenings using the Ages and Stages Questionnaire
4. Maintains knowledge of, or assessment in, standard classroom assessment tools (CLASS–an interaction-based assessment and ERS–the Environmental Rating Scale)
5. Is supported in advancement in the Quality Counts California matrix.
6. Is part of a local support network
Participating programs can choose to receive a public rating. For a description of what ratings mean and a list of ratings and participating sites, click here.
Providers: click here if you would like to participate in the Childcare Quality System.
To see the Mono Alpine Childcare Quality System Plan, click here.
To learn about the federal Quality Rating Improvement System, which the Mono Alpine Childcare Quality System Plan is modeled after, please follow these links:
Quality Counts California
Harvard QRIS Forum
CA Department of Education
EdSource QRIS article
The intent of this program is to assist counties in improving the retention of qualified child care employees who work directly with children who receive state subsidized child care services. The Mono/Alpine Workforce Pathways Stipend Program is administered by the Mono County Child Care Council Coordinator.
The Mono/Alpine Workforce Pathway Stipend Program (WPSP) is the local administered grant. The QCC Workforce Pathways Grant is designed to align with the QCC professional development system and to focus on local workforce needs across all care setting types.
WPSP Eligibility & Stipend (English) WPSP Eligibility & Stipend (Spanish)
Application Process
To learn more about eligibility and stipend criteria, please refer to the CQS Application and WPSP Eligibility & Stipend document linked below:
CQS Application (English) CQS Application (Spanish) or Web Application Click Here
Year end Applicant Forms
Professional Growth Plan
Professional Development Plan
Verification of Hours Form